Virtual Learning Food Safety & Wash/Pack Facilities


Virtual Learning Food Safety & Wash/Pack Facilities

  • Monday, November 16, 2020, 8:45 AM - 1:15 PM

Robert Hadad and Caitlin Tucker, CCE Cornell Vegetable Program

FREE Training!

Register by visiting:

Or contact Robert Hadad,, 585-739-4065

A well-thought out Wash/Pack Facility can go a long way in improving produce quality, worker health and safety, and overall efficiency. But how can intentional design impact food safety? This virtual training will help farmers and workers understand the food safety risks present in wash/pack facilities and outline ways in which risks can be minimized. Topics that will be covered include:

Common foodborne pathogens

Sources and routes of contamination on the farm

Personal health and hygiene practices

Key aspects of facility design including ergonomics, hygienic design, and layout

Post-Harvest water management and sanitizer use

Cleaning and sanitizing

Tips for cleaning and sanitizing common wash-pack equipment

Are you interested in receiving feedback on your layout? Have questions about cleaning your facility or equipment? Please send photos, drawings, or maps of your facility or equipment to Caitlin Tucker,, by November 2nd. Submitted photos will be included in the presentation to be discussed (anonymously) throughout the training.

Last updated September 24, 2020