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Reduce Your Farm Energy Bills - Take Advantage of the Agricultural Energy Audit Program This Winter

Reduce Your Farm Energy Bills – Take Advantage of the Agricultural Energy Audit Program This Winter

The Agricultural Energy Audit Program (AEAP) has been implemented by The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority since 2016. Eligible farms and on-farm producers, including but not limited to: dairies, orchards, greenhouses, vegetables, vineyards, grain dryers, and poultry/egg qualify to participate. NYSERDA will assign a Flexible Technical (FlexTech) Program Consultant to perform the energy audit for eligible farms and then all energy audits are reviewed for technical soundness and program compliance by a company called Ensave. Presently there are approximately 750 dairies in the AEAP that have received an energy audit.

The AEAP provides farms and on-farm producers with no-cost energy audits, including recommendations to improve energy efficiency. The program also helps participants access funding support to implement energy efficiency measures. This first-come, first-served program is open through September 2025 or until program funds expire.

New York farms can choose from two audits based on their needs:

Level Comprehensive: This energy audit is focused on a specific complex energy system or renewable energy production. This report is ideal for operations with a complex system to be analyzed beyond standard energy efficiency upgrades or if the farm is interested in pursuing renewable energy. The energy audit report with calculated evaluations of appropriate energy efficiency measures including simple payback; meets ANSI/ASABE S612 standards.

Level Targeted: This energy audit focused on specific systems, energy efficiency measures, or renewable energy.

Once an audit report is complete, EnSave assists the farm with selecting the most appropriate measures to implement and accessing funding, including programs through electric and gas utilities and the federal government.

Here is a link to the program on the NYSERDA website: https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/agriculture-energy-audit which provides an overview of the program.

Ensave is also promoting the Energy Best Practices Guides for Dairy and Greenhouses: https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/Business-and-Industry/Agriculture/Energy-Best-Practices-for-Agriculture.

These programs are independent but are promoted congruently.

How to Apply

There are two options for how to apply for an energy audit or a greenhouse benchmarking report:

1.Complete the online Agriculture Energy Audit application - this is a web document and can be done within a web browser.

2.Download a document version of the Agricultural Energy Audit application [PDF] and submit it either:

Via email to aeep@nyserda.ny.gov

or print and mail the application document to:


Attn: Agriculture Energy Audit Program Administrator

17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203-6399

The AEAP is not run by or affiliated with Cornell Extension but may be of interest to our commercial growers.