Join ENYCH’s Heather Kase and Elisabeth Hodgdon, with Harvest NY’s
Lindsey Pashow at Jeffrey Guerin’s berry farm for pruning
demonstrations, IPM review, a discussion on how to start your own pick your-
own operation, with refreshments, networking, and more!
Please bring your own pruners, and dress warmly as we will be outdoors
for most of the workshop.
10am Welcome and Introductions
10:15am Overview of berry production at Irona Berry Haven - Jeffrey Guerin, Irona Berry Haven
10:30am Blueberry pruning and scouting demonstration, hands-on pruning - Heather Kase, CCE ENYCHP
11:30am Considerations When Starting a PYO Operation (food safety, agritourism
regulations, marketing, grant opportunities, and more!) - Elisabeth Hodgdon, CCE ENYCHP and Lindsey Pashow, CCE Harvest NY
NYSDEC Pesticide Recertification Credits (pending): 1.0 in categories 1A, 10, and 22
Cost: $10 per farm
Snow date: March 27, 2025
$10 Per farm
Elisabeth Hodgdon
Regional Vegetable Specialist, Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program
518-650-5323 (Cell)
Irona Berry Haven
1897 Alder Bend Rd
Altona, NY 12910
Last updated February 25, 2025