Senior Fitness Title being stretched by an exercise band all under a dumbbell


Clinton County Office of the Aging logo


Class Schedule (link to classes below)

Monday: Range of Motion - 9:00am-10am (offered by CCE)

Tuesday: Growing Stronger/Bones - 9:00am-10:00am (offered by Senior Planet)

Wednesday: Chair Chi - 9:00am-10:00am (offered by CCE)

Thursday: Growing Stronger/Balance - 9:00am-10:00am (offered by Senior Planet)

Friday: Range of Motion - 9:00am-10:00am (offered by CCE)


Monday/Wed/Friday link to CCE Fitness

Meeting ID: 961 8851 9580

Passcode: 620370

Tuesday/Thursday link to Fitness Classes via Senior Planet


"They Zoom in from New York City, across upstate and downstate New York, the North Country, and states all across the U.S. Four mornings a week at 9 a.m., thousands of seniors join Cornell Cooperative Extension of Clinton County Executive Director Mary Breyette’s online fitness classes looking for exercise and connection." 

Here is a link to the full article: Extension Online Fitness Classes Brings Seniors Together

Watch the full video here: Extension Fitness Video: Cornell CALS

Check out our article in the Press Republican:   Local Senior Fitness Program Jumps Globally  

Mary P. Breyette, Executive Director - Retiring: CCE Clinton head to retire | News |

Demographics Form

2025 Senior Fitness Demographic Survey Link

Benefits of Tai Chi

If you are wondering what Tai Chi is or what benefits it can provide, please visit the links below.

Philips Lifeline: Fitness: Benefits of Tai Chi for Seniors

Harvard Health Publishing: The Health Benefits of Tai Chi:

Chair Chi with Mary P. Breyette Chair Chi | NAAP - National Association of Activity Professionals

In this video, CCE Clinton's Executive Director/Health & Wellness Educator Mary P. Breyette, instructs a virtual Chair-Chi class. Chair Chi is a trademark program and use of this material is with the permission of Pat Griffith. 

September: Fall Prevention Month

Falls are the leading cause of injury for those over 65 and the goal of Fall Prevention Month is to get the word out about the prevalence of falling, while acknowledging the importance of prevention. Most falls can be prevented! In an effort to reduce risk, the National Safety Council and Center of Disease Control and Prevention, among others, have provided informational flyers with tips on fall-proofing your home, exercises to help with balance, proper equipment/clothes and more.

To read the complete flyers, please visit the links below.

Harvard Scientists Explain 12 Ways to Keep Your Brain Young:

Harvard Scientists Explain..

Guide to Falls in Older Events:

 Falls in Older Adults Guide

Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

Stay Independent:

National Safety Council:

Older Adult Fall Prevention Checklist:

Fall-Proofing Your Home:


February 2023:

Senior Fitness Newsletter & Recipe - 02/06/23

Senior Fitness Newsletter & Recipe - 02/13/23
Senior Fitness Newsletter & Recipe: 03/20/23
Senior Fitness Newsletter & Recipe: 02/27/23

January 2023:

Senior Fitness Resources (Recipes and Articles)

December 2022 Recipes/Fact Sheet:

December 5th: EFNEP Newsletter/Recipe
December 12th: EFNEP Newsletter/Recipe
December 19th: EFNEP Newsletter/Recipe

November 2022 Recipe/Fact Sheets:

November 7th: Newsletter-Recipe
November 14th: Recipe
November 21st: Recipe
November 28th: Recipe

October 2022 Recipe/Fact Sheets:

October 3rd:  Newsletter and Recipe

October 17th:  Newsletter and Recipe

October 24th:  Recipe

October 31st:  Recipe

September 2022 Recipe/Fact Sheets:

September September recipe

September 4th:  Newsletter

September 12th:  Newsletter

September 19th:  Newsletter

September 26th:  Newsletter

August 2022 Recipes/Fact Sheets:

August 1st: Newsletter and Recipe

August 8th:  Newsletter and Recipe

August 15th:  Newsletter and Recipe

August 22nd:  Newsletter and Recipe

August 29th:  Newsletter and Recipe

July 2022 Recipes/Fact Sheets:

July 5th:  Newsletter and Recipe

July 11th:  Newsletter and Recipe

July 18th:  Newsletter and Recipe

July 25th:  Newsletter and Recipe

June 2022 Recipes/Fact Sheets:

June 6th:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

June 13th:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

June 20th:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

May 2nd:  Fact Sheet and RecipeJune 27: Fact Sheet and Recipe

May 2022 Recipes/Fact Sheets:

May 9th:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

May 16th:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

May 23rd:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

May 30th:  Fact Sheet and Recipe

April Recipes/Fact Sheets:

April 4th:

Fact Sheet:   EFNEP_Newsletter_April.pdf  

Recipe:    Vegetable_and_Beef_Skillet_Meal.pdf

April 11th: 

Fact Sheet:    Growing_Plants_in_Containers.pdf

Recipe:    Simple_Roasted_Beets.pdf

April 18th:

Fact Sheet:    Microgreens.pdf

Recipe:   Apple_Tuna_Sandwich.pdf  

April 25th:

Fact Sheet:   Fall_Prevention_Crossword.pdf

Recipe:  Sauteed_Greens.pdf

March Recipes/Fact Sheets:

February Recipes/Fact Sheets:

January Recipes/Fact Sheets:

December Recipes/Fact Sheets:

November Recipes/Fact Sheets:

October Recipes/Fact Sheets:

September Recipes/Fact Sheets:

August Recipes/Fact Sheets:

July Recipes/Fact Sheets:

June Recipes/Fact Sheets:

May Recipes/Fact Sheets:

April Recipes/Fact Sheets:

March Recipes/Fact Sheets:

February Recipes/Fact Sheets:

January Recipes/Fact Sheets:

December Recipes/Fact Sheets:

November Recipes/Fact Sheets:

October Recipes/Fact Sheets:

September Recipes/Fact Sheets:

August Recipes/Fact Sheets:

July Recipes/Fact Sheets:

June Recipes & Fact Sheets

Message from NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen

We are very pleased to launch Inside NYSAging, a newsletter for the aging services network in New York.

This monthly update is intended to provide a more regular and predictable means of keeping you and your staff informed about innovations, programs, and opportunities to serve the public, along with pertinent resources, a schedule of live and taped events, and more.

In the coming months, we look forward to spotlighting your submissions from the field. In the meantime, if you have recommendations for how this newsletter can best support you, please let us know. Write to NYSOFA’s communications team at

Greg Olsen
New York State Office for the Aging

Budget UpdateGovernor's Budget Establishes New Era of Opportunity for Older Adults

Governor Kathy Hochul’s Executive State Budget includes unprecedented support for the work of aging services providers on behalf of New York's 4.6 million older adults and their families. It contains many positive proposals across state agencies that benefit older New Yorkers.

Learn More

The Master Plan on Aging

Governor Hochul’s fiscal year 2023 budget calls for the creation of a Master Plan for Aging, with NYSOFA taking the lead, joined by our longstanding partners. Read more to learn about what the Master Plan for Aging is and isn't.

March is National Nutrition Month. NYSOFA is celebrating all month long with great social media content (that you're invited to download and share); Facebook Live events hosted by NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen and the NYSOFA Nutrition Team; and a new tutorial explaining the simplified SNAP application.
News You Can Use: Pets Together

Dogs, cats, birds – and even horses! Battling social isolation recently got a whole lot more fun thanks to the national non-profit organization Pets Together. Read FIVE QUESTIONS with Pets Together Executive Director Jennifer Bashford and discover how your organization can take advantage of this free, supremely innovative program.

Also, help spread the word about Pets Together and encourage older adults to give it a try. Visit our resource page for information as well as pre-made social media images and posts to share.

Each month we'll share information to help you in your quest to better serve marginalized populations. For the upcoming National Nutrition Month, we're focusing on food insecurity, which impacts 13.7% of older New Yorkers, from all corners of the state. Read more to access tools to help reduce food insecurity in your community.

Video Tutorials All in One Place: Help Older Adults in Your Community Apply for Benefits  

Over the past several months, NYSOFA has worked with partners to produce a series of video tutorials to help older adults apply for some of the most common benefits like Medicare, HEAP, EPIC, STAR tax rebates, SNAP food assistance, and more. Learn more or access the videos.

AARP Community Challenge Grant Applications due March 22 for Age-Friendly 'Quick-Action' Projects

Does your organization have a ready-made idea to support age-friendly principles in your community?

Applications are due March 22 for the sixth round of AARP's Community Challenge grant program to support quick-action projects that "make communities more livable and jump-start long-term change."

Learn More

ICYMI: Winter Assistance Tip Sheet for AAAs 

In case you missed it (ICYMI), earlier this month NYSOFA  shared a tip sheet on important benefits available to low-income New Yorkers for home heating and weatherization programs this winter.

The document is intended for your case managers and other staff to help them quickly identify areas of assistance for clients. It summarizes information that was shared during a  series of winter assistance workshops hosted by state agencies that oversee housing, energy, utilities, and more.

Some application deadlines for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and other initiatives are coming up soon, while other programs are in effect throughout the calendar year. Please be sure to share this resource with your team as soon as possible.

Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is Recruiting Volunteers

Volunteers are making a difference for older New Yorkers in long-term care facilities.

The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program could use your support in finding more of these terrific individuals ready and willing to help residents understand and exercise their rights.

Please consider sharing this content on your social media channels to help recruit volunteers today.

Coming Up...

Join the conversation during NYSOFA's Facebook Live events! Please consider sharing these events in your circles of influence — we've even created images and sample language you can use to share on social media!

March 10, 1pm: Live with Greg: National Nutrition Month
March 11, 1pm: Ask the Experts: Nutrition Edition
March 24, 1pm: Live with Greg: Social Workers Month
March 25, 12:30pm: What's Cooking with Wendy! Whole Grain Bowls

Learn More About NYSOFA Events

News From Our Partners

  • Free Webcast: Money Mule Scams: Tips for Prevention, Identification, and Trauma-Informed Assistance, from the Administration on Community Living's Elder Justice Center on Thursday, March 10, 2022, from 2-3 pm. Learn More
  • The Reeve Foundation is launching virtual support groups for people living with paralysis, and for those who care for people living with paralysis. Learn More

Thanks for hanging in until the end! We're looking forward to bringing you the next edition of Inside NYSAging. Share this newsletter with any aging services professionals in your circle that might be interested in hearing more from the New York State Office for the Aging!

Last updated March 27, 2025