In partnership with Mountain Lake PBS station, our Local Foods Program presents the following short videos featuring local foods and how to use them. Click the box [ ] below the video once it begins to watch it full-screen.
Fresh Tips 1 (1:01) --Kale; carrots & beet salad; carmelized onions
Fresh Tips 2 (1:01) -- Preparing root vegetables
Fresh Tips 3 (1:01) -- Tips for on the go
Fresh Tips That Last (1:01) -- Storing local produce
Eat Well 1 (1:01) -- Locally grown produce
Eat Well 2 (1:01) -- Where to buy North Country produce
Eat Well 3 (1:01) -- Rulfs Apple Orchard
Eat Well 4 (1:01) -- Fall Produce
Eat Well 5 (1:01) -- Eating Locally Year-Round
Last updated November 22, 2016