Houseplants are a great way to liven up your home and bring in nature

Houseplants are a great way to liven up your home and bring in nature

A houseplant can turn any space into a serene getaway


Growing plants indoors may offer some challenges, but these links may help you to be successful:

Indoor Plants: Care and Management - extension has compiled resources on houseplants from cooperative extensions across the nation in one spot. Start here for an overview.

Caring for Houseplants - this University of Missouri Extension page has information on watering, lighting, temperature, etc. to keep your plants alive and healthy

Common Houseplant Insects & Related Pests - this Clemson University Extension page has many different sections on prevention, non-chemical control, chemical control and common pests for indoor plants

Houseplant Problems - this Purdue University Cooperative Extension shows many common issues with indoor plants and how to manage them.  See also this page:

Fertilizing Houseplants - this University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension PDF has information on fertilizing houseplants.

Winter Care:

Most houseplants grow well with daytime temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees F and night temperatures of 60 to 65 degrees. Keep houseplants away from cold drafts, radiators, and hot air vents. Humidifiers are an excellent way to increase the relative humidity in a single room or throughout the entire home. Another method is to place the houseplants on trays (saucers) filled with pebbles or gravel and water. The bottoms of the pots should be above the water level. In general, houseplants require less frequent watering during the winter months than in spring and summer. Actively growing plants need more water than those at rest during the winter months. Fertilization is generally not necessary during the winter months because most plants are growing very little or resting.

Last updated July 26, 2019