

Plant Pests

Cornell University and Cooperative Extension have many resources available to help you identify and manage insect pests in your home, garden or landscape.

Learn about best practices for Managing Insect Pests in Vegetable Gardens (Purdue University). Cornell’s IPM for Homes brochure provides general guidance on household pest control.

For a comprehensive list of insect fact sheets visit Cornell’s Insect Diagnostic Laboratory website, where you’ll find detailed fact sheets in alphabetical order or grouped by category

as well as instructions for collecting and submitting samples or photos for identification. IDL also provides a general factsheet on managing Home Vegetable Garden Pests.

What’s Wrong with My Plant?, a user-friendly tool available through the University of Minnesota Extension office, allows you to select a plant (including vegetables and fruits, annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, and turf) and its symptoms and then view photos and brief descriptions of the likely cause.

Our Master Gardeners and staff are available to assist with plant disease diagnosis and management strategies. Call or email us using the information in the footer of this page.

Last updated July 26, 2019